

Vredeveld Transport, with its fleet of 120 trucks and 200 trailers, is considered one of the medium-sized transport companies in the Netherlands and has grown to become one of the largest bulk transporters in North and East Netherlands.

Vredeveld Logistic Solutions

The development of an innovative logistics concept in which the entire logistics handling and customer support are entrusted to Vredeveld Logistic Solutions. Within the project, feasibility is assessed both financially and organizationally. Additionally, the organization is structured, trained, and coached as part of this project.

Deelens en Vredeveld samen verder!

Vredeveld Groep en Excluton B.V. hebben overeenstemming bereikt over een vergaand partnership met de overname van de transport activiteiten van Deelens Transport B.V. Het creëren van een integraal logistiek en supply chain platform past in de lange termijn strategische visie van beide bedrijven.