The small-scale transport company founded by the eight brothers in 1937 has grown in 87 years to become the largest bulk carrier in the north and east of the Netherlands. The 4th generation is now at the helm, and a lot has changed in the past 87 years.
Vredeveld in 1937
When eight brothers of the Vredeveld family bought a truck together in 1937, they could only suspect in their wildest dreams that this purchase laid the foundations for an internationally operating logistics service provider. After 87 years, Vredeveld has grown into the largest bulk carrier in the north and east of the Netherlands, with branches in Hoogersmilde and Borne.

Construction materials
After the foundation in 1937, the brothers first started transporting building materials for the Roelfsema sand-lime brick factory in Hoogersmilde. In the years after the Second World War, when large parts of the Netherlands had to be rebuilt, sand-lime bricks were an important building material. Vredeveld initially transported the sand-lime brick on a small-scale basis to various building sites in the Netherlands. That was heavy and time consuming work. After all, at that time there were no mechanical aids and the stone trailers were still unloaded by hand. In 1963 Vredeveld invested in the first hydraulic loading and unloading crane. With this crane the sand-lime bricks could now be loaded and unloaded hydraulically, which caused an important turnaround within the transport company. The company grew in size and employed drivers. At that time, the Vredeveld brothers started to focus more and more on the strategic direction of the company.
The development of an innovative logistics concept in which the entire logistics handling and customer support are entrusted to Vredeveld Logistic Solutions. Within the project, feasibility is assessed both financially and organizationally. Additionally, the organization is structured, trained, and coached as part of this project.
Silo bulk transport
Within the logistics sector, a shift of means of transport has been visible over the years. The supply of lime, for example, was increasingly carried out via bulk trailers instead of ships. Contacts between Vredeveld and AKZO Hengelo soon developed for the transport of lime. Vredeveld took care of the transport of lime for the chemical group from that moment on. In the early 1980s, Vredeveld was also given the opportunity to use means of transport to transport salt from Hengelo. In 1988 Vredeveld took over the entire domestic transport of consumer salt from AKZO.

Due to the growing demand for transport from AKZO Hengelo, Vredeveld decided to look for a second branch near Hengelo. This allowed AKZO to be served faster and more efficiently and to provide a better service. This second branch was opened in 1989 in Borne in Twente.
Storage and transshipment
Op de vestiging Borne werd met warehousing een volwaardige op- en overslagmogelijkheid geboden voor los gestorte goederen. Door gebruik te maken van een DINO bulkwagenvuller werden deze efficiënt van bigbags naar bulkwagens verladen. Na verkoop van de kantoorruimte aan de firma Bucon is deze optie vervallen. Maar de parkeerruimte voor deze bulkwagens is nog steeds in gebruik.
Intermodal transportation
Vredeveld has outgrown the country's borders over the years. At the beginning of 2011, intermodal transport of bulk containers was started. Where as in previous years the bulk trailers did not extend beyond the Benelux, Germany and Denmark, products are now transported throughout Europe.
The small-scale transport company founded by the eight brothers in 1937 has grown in 87 years to become the largest bulk carrier in the north and east of the Netherlands. A lot has changed in the past 87 years. Nevertheless, the basis of the company has always remained the same: Vredeveld is still the trusted family business, and the company can still be regarded as one big family. The directors are Richard Vredeveld, Mischa Vredeveld and Camille de Haas. Together with the team of dedicated employees, Vredeveld literally and figuratively goes the extra mile for you. Thanks to the personal involvement of the employees, Vredeveld can always say: "A deal is a deal". And that will not change in the future.